..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Saturday, September 18, 2010

junsu's reply~~

Message from PicnicXiah
to Junsu
To: Genius Junsu who born like a star
Junsu ah, FIGHTING!
Everything will be alright. ^.^
The person with true ability is able to smile constantly, isn't it?
If we can't avoid it, then just enjoy it!
Junsu's reply
It seems like people envy us too much...
Even so, we will be stronger ^.^
We will always be thankful to

well.. true,,
too many people r jealous of them
n jealous of their fans
coz we r unite~!!

well whateva happen..
u must be strong k dear~~
everything's will be alright..
i know u guys had faced so many obstacle..
just bcoz u wanna stand on stage
too many obstacle..
but later
who knows..
something really good will come out~~
n keep remains like that..]forever~!!

OMG~!!! JYJ r c0ming to mE?? yeay~!!!!

aa.. i really have many kind of feelings right now..
while i'm packing to prepare to go to Sarawak tomorrow.
i open my favourite websites...

the news bout JYJ r coming to MALAYSIA~!!!!!!!!!!
its confirm....
i'm really happy!! super duper happy~!!!!!
i wanna cry..
i wanna jump high~!!!
bungee jump also can..!!
i wanna scream~!!!!!!!!!!!!
n this is bcoz i'm TOO HAPPY~!!!!
i hope it will become very true~!!!
n now i'm asking my dad to buy the flight tickets to go home...
yea.. at the right time..
after i finish my exam~!!!!!!!!

although there will be no HOMIN..
but my wish at least will come true..
i'll be too happy if i can see at least one member...
but now i hv a chance to see 3~!!!

yea... CHAJATTA~~~
saranghae neu saranghae...~~~

Friday, September 17, 2010

yUnjAe~~ http://peternakhamster.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/yunjae-fact/

hehe yunjae~~
i love them,,,,,,

from 1 of japanese fans blog~...

We knew that there were arguments on Max and Chiba’s twitter for many days.
I think..it seems a little bit late…but, Avex should have put their foot down regarding the issues.
It is the same as the announcement of the suspension of Tohoshinki’s activities, they have not disbanded, they have not quit their activities in Japan for the rest of their lives, it is just “a suspension”…
We are all used to wait, so if we hold hands, everything will be OK(~o~)
Well, the high walls come by one after another…
Oh, we could just overcome the difficulties.

The saddest of all should be the members themselves.
We fans should not cry, not complain. Let’s just wait together, feeling their pure love, which they gave us at the dome
We fans are the ones who could create the most emotional bridge for them.
During the difficult days, they smiled their lovely smiles, and showed us wonderful stages, even during the a-nation, which was boiling hot.
With those wonderful memories, I myself can go on living for a while^^
So, everyone, genchyana, genchyana (T/N: no problem)

Let’s cheer with all our might to the members who will be active in other countries(▽≦)
We are living under the same sky(^-^*))。。。

(few sentences omitted)

No problem. He conquers who endures~
After all these, they will not get defeated!
They, whom we love so much, are not that weak.
Even though they are stepped on, criticized, they will stand up again like weeds.
As they always have done…and will also do in the future, too.

And everyone.
You all are ~ so strong. (T/N: there were many supportive comments written by the blog followers at the timing the blogger was writing the edit part)
What happened to all of you? (Lol)
Nobody is writing negative comments.
Amazing~~I’m the one who was encouraged the most.
Thank you very much.
I want to send all your comments to them(^-^*))。。。
Only our family members can be like this! (Lol)

When we all hold hands, we will not fall down.
We will not be beaten.

There are news flowing out from Korea.
Please do not believe in all the written contents.
There were articles saying “they can never be active in Japan in the future”.
It is a matter of common practice that some of them make a federal case out of small facts.

Everyone, “Keep your love in your heart” “He can who believes he can.”
Let’s believe and love them together, hand in hand.

Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

no matter what will happen in the future..
whether u will be 5 again or not..
i'll always love only you guys~.~!! 5 of u..
i just hope that whatever u do.. u'll do it happily
no more pain.. no more hurt in u..
i want u to be happy .. happy in what u doing...
no more conflict.. n got the result which really deserves what u work on...

i just too in LOVE to u.. JJ CM YH JS YC~~
n i hope u will be more happy after this..
i'll BELIEVE in u..
whatever news.. if its not from ur mouth.. i'll not believe it 100%
i just BELIEVE u~!! my dear DBSK~!!!!”



i dont care what avex said..or others said
the important thing is..
i just BELIEVE in them..
believe in their actions..
they must do what they think best 4 them
they wont do something reckless without a deep thought..
i know them

please be strong my JYJ~~
there will be a beautiful rainbow after the rain..
i'll never turn my back to u guys...

bcoz i am too in LOVE with u....~!!!
saranghae DBSK boys....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

crY in thE miDdlE of thE nigHt~

this night
i really cry so hard at last
bcoz of all that happen to them
while i'm hearing
by JAEJOONG oppa...

n i hear it while i look back at their pics..
just their pics when they r together as 5..
not solo...
n think back of what happen now..
all of this while~~
i just cant hold my tears anymore~~
i wanna let it all out..

but as their fans
i just can wait.. n wait.. n wait
for a miracle happen
i just can BELIEVE in them
put a really strong FAITH in them
coz i know
i can do that
coz i'll never~!! ever~!!!!
love any artist like i LOVE them
they will be forever the only artist i LOVE the most
AKTF!!!~ ^_^

JYJ be strong dear~!! 2

well right now
after i read all the comments of DBSK fan towards the news bout JYJ
aa.. they blaming all who involved..
espc. AVEX>.

but me..
i dont know who to believe..
either AVEX is just the same as SM
or not
n its all bout the money??
i dont know
clueless O_0

but i know
i will wait their words
from their own mouth
that is the only words i believe
bcoz i know my boys~!!
they'll never lie to us..
to their beloved fan..

i Believe in them~!!!
JYJ be strong k dear~~
HOMIN.. please make sure they r OK~!!
i dont care if u do it secretly..
i just hope HOMIN will really take care of them

they r really hurt~~
wo ai ni

secret c0de album interview~

hye.. i just finished watching this video...
well too much emotion in this while i'd watching it

1st of all..
they really r talented people..
they can compose~
sing very well~
well mannered~
n really humble..~~
n thats why i LOVE them so much~!!!!!!!!!!

in this vid..
CHANGMIN r really funny..
he keep following YOOCHUN moves..
n then he teased JAEJOONG..
but JUNSU less funny..
huhu sad ;(

but the most important part is..
when they talked about how the teamwork..
bout their harmony when they r 5
it really make a beautiful music n voices later on~~

as u know..
nowadays we still cant hear their harmony yet
but just pray that 1 day..
n hope our n their dreams come true

i just miss them so much~!!

JYJ be strong dear~!!

aa.. i just back from 'beraya'
then i quickly open my lappy
n of coz i go to my fav site..

aa.. i just cry~!!!

nande.. what happen.??
n with the conflict with the new company also...
it all bad.~!!
poor my boys..~!!
why they suffer so much..~!!
but i know it not just me..
other fans too..~!!

but i know.. especially after t
he lawsuit happen..
we as their fan..
keep getting stronger n believe in them
we will support them~!!
bcoz THEY need us to keep stornger..
n JYJ need HOMIN too...
i hope HOMIN will keep supporting them secretly

JYJ ~!! be strong k dear..
i'll always watching u..
although we r far enough..

i know that whatever happen now..
it must have a good happen in the future..
just pray 4 the best~!!
n mybe this is one way of getting comeback from 5 of u..
who knows??

but only God knows...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

..t0ki w0 t0mete..

i just finished watching tokiwo tomete offshot
so sad.. feel wanna cry
coz it doesnt even show any communication btween those guys
yunho had once said while interviewed by the camera-man..
"..... i'm happy.. but sometimes.. i kinda feel lonely.."

i bet during this time..
is very challenging for their fans to keep the faith
luckily till now.. i still believe n LOVE them..
n it will never fade~

aa dont cry dear~~


i know u must sad to perform there without the others..
but u must be really sad n touched by fans there
who keep supporting u n yunho although in this kind of situation

bcoz.. whatever happen..
we'll always loving u n supporting u~!!!

DBSK aishiteru ne..

my h0mE..

well i just love my home~
coz the streamyx line is so fast~~
i can download how much i want
so of course its about DBSK!! ^_^

now.. i try to dload as far as i can.. haha
i want to
collect more n more
coz my love towards them is endless
i really LOVE my men....

DBSK jjang~!! kakoi~!! segoi~!!

..my love towards them..

ehem ehem~~
well for now i already make my blog look tvxq-ish
am i too crazy bout them??
LOL but yea~!!
i really love them so much..
eventhough right now their condition can make me lose the faith
but i will always love them..
no other artist can ever replace them

i dont really put a high hope that they'll be together again
but i'll always pray for that to happen
but now
i will always continue support them
in everything they r doing
although they do it alone or in group
i'll always love them

SARANGHAEYO dong Bang shIn ki~~

aishiteru ne~!!

..my 1st time..

well.. hye..
today is my 1st time here..
not much to say
just wanna say

so from now on
i can xpress my feelings n thought here
since i'm not good in sharing th
is with others face 2 face

as many know
i really LOVE these person

hope to see their comeback soon~!!