..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Sunday, October 17, 2010

my hottest memory~!!!

aaaaaaa i cant believe i already met them!!
i had seen them performed on the stage live!!!!
i really stand besides the stage..
to the extent that i can see them clearly get out from the backstage..!!
ok let me start from the start...

i arrived at Stadium Negara at nearly 8 am..
but i was half shocked to see there are some people there..
i dont wear red shirt.. coz i dont hv 1..
but seeing other people wear red shirt.. make me more excited!!
then we just wait n wait while hanging around to see other people..
n also buy the goodies!!
i bought towel, fan, & scarf.. but all of them are TVXQ pics..
coz i really love them as 5!!!

later in noon, the outside gate r opened!! we all rushed to go in..!!
but there r still more gates. the real gates to get inside to the place that we bought..
with my super power.. i managed to queue among the earliest..
when i look around.. only me in the front queue line who r Malay.. mostly they r chinese..
but its ok!! coz i really want to get a good spot later!!

when we queue up.. we still cant go inside..
but later we heard their rehearsal !!
oo i really cant believe that we r standing on the same ground!!!!
i got so xcited..
when the gate is open.. i quickly got a good spot!!
i stand really besides the stage ..
n then........ later...
JYJ comes up!!! aaa.......
they are really look so damn HOT!!
but somehow i fell like i'm watching them in lappy...
so close n so fine they are!!!
they really very handsome..
Jaejoong face n his smooth hair..^_^
Junsu sexy body n his new hair.. xD soo arghh..!!!
yoochun hairstyle n his handsome face.. kyaa..~~~
i cant believe i'm seeing them!!!

they sang exactly 6 songs.. which u guys must already know what is it.. xD
& everything i recorded..
but sadly when i watched it back.. the sounds r not clear..
coz i was standing really besides the speaker.. aa..
but their live voices r really good!!!
at last i got to hear..
Yoochun sexy voice..~
Jaejoong beautiful voice...~
Junsu wonderful voice as always.. XD

aa... for the MC part.. sadly only yoochun is the active 1 to talk.
coz only him know english really well
somehow JS n JJ look really cute when they didnt understand the word.. LOL
but from my eyes.. they really look exhausted..
of coz la coz they performed in 3 days in a row.. waa..
so exhausted!!
plus.. even JJ said M;sia is too hot.. LOL
YC also said thanx 4 keeping the faith with them.. which make me really happy..
at least they know that we still LOVE them as always!!
aa... n of course..
they said that next year they'll come here again to make a CONCERT!!!!
aa.. i must go to!!!
n the funny is.. when the MC asked them which month maybe??
JJ said during summer..!! LOL but M'sia is summer everyday.. haha
but they're so cute..
n handsome..
n really perfect!!
their LIVES too.. aa...
wanna watch them again..
wanna watch JUNSU cute smile n sexy dancing..
YOOCHUN greasy voices.. LOL
JAEJOONG pretty face n voices..

aa.. till now i still feel like i'm dreaming..!!!
can wait to c them again..
n u hope i can c them as 5
i miss YUNHO n CHANGMIN too..
they seemed dont really hv anything to do..
just get out from SM la..
but i;ll wait.. i know just in any time.. they will comeback again
coz they also want it...
they really want to perform together so badly.!!!

AKTF ~!! ^_^


  1. gosh girl!!! you're so lucky!!! >.<

    I only watch some fancams and I screamed like crazy girl~ haha

  2. oo thanx..
    u will got the chance later..
    but 4 now.. just pray 4 their happiness.. & their comeback soon~ AKTF
