..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Monday, November 29, 2010


>> SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2010

maybe that's why my Jaejoongie cant resist Yunnie~~

Download HERE
Credits: TVXQBaidu + As tagged + Uknowbar
Shared by: DBSKnights

TVXQ Friendship Chronicles

"Because of Yoochun I feel safer" - Junsu

"He's (JaeJoong) someone whom I truly want to continue to be with in the future" - Yoochun

"The way we are happy now as the 5 of us..Because I'm so happy the way we are now..I was suddenly
overcome with fear that this happiness might go away one day" - JaeJoong

"He's (Yunho) always been a friend like that.So I want to continue to rely on him as a friend. He really
is the best leader!" - JaeJoong

"Because I'm his hyung, out of pride I havent really thanked him (Changmin). But, here, I'd like to say
thanks to him properly" - Yunho

"Although he (Junsu) might just be joking around, saying something funny, but from that I get comforted.
And because of that I get encouraged. Somehow I can rely on him.He's one of the moodmakers that our teams cannot
do without" - Changmin

1. During Rising Sun period, Yunho gave his single deck bed to Jaejoong because of Jaejoong's knee injury.

2. During the Rising Sun period, TVXQ won an award, but Jaejoong was not able to turn up because of his injury,
so Yunho carried the trophy and said, "This trophy belongs to Jaejoong."

3. Micky and Changmin once said, "Without Yunho, there would be no TVXQ."

4. Junsu's response towards the "changing member incident": "If one of the members leaves the team, I will not stay
in TVXQ anymore."

5. Changmin's response towards the "changing member incident": "If any of us leaves TVXQ, I will surely return
to my ordinary high school life."

6. When TVXQ were asked about "Who is the person of their fate?", they all answered, "The members", except for Micky.

7. Jaejoong once wrote in his cyworld: "Our friendship is stronger than most people because we talk and breathe
in the same room and we eat and sleep in the same place..."

8. 2004, on Micky's birthday, Yunho said to all their fans, "Please look after our Micky, I can't use words to express
myself, MICKY, I LOVE YOU!"

9. 10 September 2005, during a fan meeting, Changmin was asked by the reporter about what New Year present he would
like to receive next year, and he answered, "The only present that I really want now is Jaejoong hyung's knee can
get well soon." After Changmin finished, the camera started focusing on Jaejoong. Jaejoong always doesn't like crying,
but at that very moment, he lowered his head and tried his best not to let his tears run down his cheeks.

10. During a fan meeting, Changmin said, "Only when the five of us are together, are we called TVXQ!"

11. On August 2005, Yunho carried Junsu to the hospital when Junsu had a high fever.

12. When Jaejoong's knee was injured, Yunho wanted him to rest more, but instead, Jaejoong said to Yunho,
"Your stomach is not well, you should be the one hospitalized, not me."

13. In the X-Man "Of Course" game, Yunho said the Junsu, "Did you know that I love the four of you very much?"

14. Yunho's reason for why he is always the one to take the initiative of taking care of everything regarding all
thorny issues and all the awkward matters is, "Because I'm the leader who loves all my members."

15. November 2004, there were rumours about LSM replacing Jaejoong with someone else. Micky shed tears in the
"I Believe" live performance when he knew about it.

16. Yunho's stomach is not well, so Changmin would always write him a reminder note saying, "Don't always forget to
eat just because of work" and slip it into his pocket. Junsu would also always remind him, "Eat your food on time!"

17. When Yunho is asked which member he likes the most, he answers first with an "also like".

18. At a fan meeting, Micky said, "Not only two years, but even until twenty, two hundred, two thousand years...
we always have to be together."

19. In April of 2004, when Micky was hospitalized, Micky got angry because Junsu didn't visit him.

20. One time, Junsu wrote "Dong Bang Shin Gi Big Success" on a piece of paper, and then pasted it on the wall.

21. In 2004, Micky was pranked on some show. A tarot reader gave him a reading and told him that he was going to have
very bad luck (of course, it was a lie XD). Jaejoong said, "Your luck is bad, so don't cause trouble for the rest of TVXQ."
Micky was very upset. After the show, he ran backstage and was feeling miserable, but then Jaejoong went backstage too
and gave him a hug.

22. On July 7, 2005, when TVXQ were in Fangshan, Beijing, female reporters were interviewing Jaejoong. He carefully
answered the questions and then made eye contact smiled at him and gave a little nod as if to tell him,
"Yes, you answered very well." with leader Yunho as if asking him, "Did I answer appropriately?" Yunho

23. One time, when Junsu was pranked as an experiment, Yunho and Jaejoong acted as if there was some serious internal
strife going on within the group. Poor Junsu was so scared, he nearly cried. *this show that he really love the members*

24. When Yunho was pranked as an experiment, before his four fellow members carried on with the prank, they turned
to the camera and said, "Yunho, we love you!"

25. Jaejoong said that when the five members cannot find their own underwear, they will wear each others'. XD

26. In 2005, when Micky was celebrating his birthday in Japan, reporters were asking if they prepared any presents
for him. Junsu said, "No, we didn't. There is just our sincerity." Yunho said, "I think, this is what makes a true partner."

27. Everybody's appraisals of Jaejoong: Yunho said, "Although sometimes, he can be rather rough, he
is actually the one most like a mother. He is the most gentle member." Junsu said, "He is the most empathic member
who cares most about others when they get sick." Yoochun said, "He is a reliable person who will always stand by your side.
He is a member of members." Changmin said, "When you compare him to others of the same age, you cannot imagine...
Once you look at him, you get an impression of light and nostalgia."

28. At a fanmeeting, Junsu said, "The members are like my brothers. We are just like a family."

29. Back then, four of the members all want to raise dogs, but because Yoochun is scared of them, they all discarded their
ideas of getting a dog. *but now allof them have their own dogs already*

30. In 2006, when it was Yunho and Changmin's birthdays, Jaejoong especially wrote a letter for Yunho. JJ, Micky, and Junsu
got two pizzas and JJ lighted candles to put on them.

31. In order to make leader Yunho seem taller, Changmin, the actual tallest member, would tend to bend his knees a bit.

32. After Jaejoong's injury, at a fanmeeting, Jaejoong said to the members and fans, "I don't feel any pain. Please do not
cry for me! Actually, once I see you guys, I do not feel any pain anymore!"

33. During an interview, Yunho said, "I hope that no matter how many and how great our difficulties may be, we will always
overcome them together. Just as long as the five of us are together, we are most happy."

34. The five of them would throw blankets at each other in their dormitory, play rock paper scissors, and play hide
and seek in the park.

35. The members said that the five of them have to find some time in the future to go someplace peaceful and quiet,
where they can really have fun together.

36. Micky, whose family is in the US said, "Mom is always worried about me living by myself away from home, but because
I have the members, I have never felt lonely."

37. When Yunho was asked what his continuing power is, he answered, "Encouragement of the members."

38. Jaejoong said that, "When cooking, salt and sunshine are very important, but Yunho is very important too!".

39. Yunho said that if he was not a member of TVXQ, he would have become a fan of Jaejoong.

40. Yunho said that meeting the four members was the greatest event of his life. He also said that whenever he comes
across the word "Promise", he would think about his members.

41. When TVXQ were asked what they most wanted to continue, Yunho answered, "I hope that the members of TVXQ would
always continue. Right now, our friendship is already even stronger,very strong. But I hope that in the future,
it will definitely grow!" Yoochun said, "I hope that the friendship between the members will always remain." Junsu said,
"The health of the members is what is most important!"

42. Jaejoong said that if he wanted the presents that fans gave to other members, he can secretly take them. He took
someone's shoes, but forgot who they originally belonged to.

43. At a KBS award ceremony, when Yunho and Jaejoong were speaking, Yunho noticed something in Jaejoong's hair and helped
him pull it out.

44. In the 51st X-Man, when Micky was playing a game with others, it was very awkward. Yunho, who was on a different team
from Micky, especially moved over to Micky's team and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

45. Everyday, Yunho would wake up earlier than the other members and patiently wake them all up.

46. Yunho said, "We are the Dong Bang Family. I am the daddy, Jaejoong is the mommy, Changmin is the youngest child,
and Junsu and Yoochun are..." at this time, Junsu interrupts with a, "Yoochun is my wife!" XD

47. During the Rising Sun period, Jaejoong was injured and had to use crutches. Yunho would always be following behind
him and would gently place his hands on JJ's shoulders to prevent him from falling.

48. During any member's birthday, the other members would pretend that they do not remember the birthday, but would then
hold a surprise party.

49. Sept. 10 2005, at a fanmeeting, because Jaejoong could not stand, they all sat down to sing Hug.

50. During the filming of a Samsung camera commercial, Yunho had a backache, so Jaejoong helped him pound his back.

51. Before a performance, Jaejoong would help Yunho fix his tie.

52. In March 2005, when they were in China, Jaejoong's tie came off. Yoochun helped him pull it back while Changmin helped
him hold the microphone.

53. During March 2005, in China, Yoochun used his hands to help pick off the tissue paper that was covering Junsu's face.

54. Each time they receive an award, they would always thank "The Members"

55. 09-04-08 Jaejoong UFO Replies
Fan: No matter what, you guys are always five. Even until the end, you guys have to be with Cassiopeia~ ^^ Promise!
Jaejoong: No matter what, we are always five. ^^[/b]

this time last year~

(this is not from me~from someone else~i just paste it here)

"If you follow me on Twitter then you'll already have read this...

I'll admit that I'm quite a sentimental person, I get emotional quite easily... and from those emotions come memories.

Let us go back in time to November 21st 2009, what was meant to be an ordinary day for most. What made it different for us, for TVXQ was that it was the day of the Mnet Asian Music Awards - the original date of Shenzhen in Mirotic

MAMA 09 was the first time we saw not 5, but 3 walk on stage to receive their award...

Back in MKMF 08, TVXQ was the focal point of the night. Who would've thought that a year on... a year on, we'd be left with 3...?

3 people who, despite being singers, were unable to perform.
Yoochun 'I've never wanted to sing on stage so badly'
And then there was Jaejoong, talking to 'those two people' who should've been on stage with them, but weren't.
Do you remember the way your heart broke when you heard Jaejoong choke up as he said 'those 2 friends'?
When they looked down from stage & saw the sea of 'I Believe' banners, they smiled in gratitude for our faith.

There is nothing worse than seeing your stoical expressions on stage. Nothing - not even the tears.

In the past year, the name 'TVXQ" has come to mean a lot more than it used to. We now have something to protect, something to fight for.

Perhaps some of us were angered by the concert cancellation or by the fact that JYJ chose to attend MAMA in the absence of HoMin. Others understood & accepted the situation. Not as a form of submission, no - it was an act of faith. We chose keep faith in our boys. We refused to let anything waver our belief. Fans poured in despite the cancellation. Stalls were set up. Our ocean of red remained.

We couldn't see you in person, but we comforted ourselves with memories. People cheered, laughed and cried as though you were truly there.

When the 3 members attended MAMA, they heard Cassiopeia's voices. They heard 'Hug', 'Balloons' & 'Mirotic'. And every now and then, the camera would zoom in on one of the many 'I Believe' signs.

On the same day, in 2 different places, Cassiopeia showed the world that we will always remain united. As long as our boys need us, we'll be there to for them, screaming their names in unison. Cassiopeia will always be with TVXQ.

If ever you seek comfort, know that you'll find it in us.

Don't let the lies, the rumors & the fights get to you. We are nothing but bystanders, we'll never truly comprehend.

A fan of Yunho once said 'I'll keep believing & I'll give you my trust. Nevermind the rumors and the lies - as long as we have confidence, we'll see truth & reason'

When the clouds clear, when the days of sorrow are over, we'll be met with joy, reconciliation and happiness.

But for now, keep believing and always keep the faith.

I'll be doing this on a weekly basis from now on

Credits: TVXQBaidu
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights

TVXQ in other artist's eyes~


Because we’re in different genres, I’ve never seen them as a competitor. TVXQ is our respected sunbae. Their vocal skills are strong, and we’ve studied much of their performances and choreography. I’ve watched them stay determined to push themselves forward. They really are the perfect sunbaes


TVXQ has always chased after different music styles, and their members all have very strong talents. Seeing TVXQ’s music and stage makes me feel touched, and they’re a very good influence on us. We’ve also started promoting in Japan, and compared to TVXQ sunbaes, we still have to secure a place. We all like TVXQ very much. We hope this time we’ll use the chance to become more intimate with the members.


If only I was a TVXQ member!They’re a group that’s hard to believe, with talent that’s shocking.

YG ENTERTAINMENT’S YANG HYUN SOK (During a Big Bang Interview)

Ah! They’re the only singers I admire. TVXQ is really awesome. On the Live stage, they do very well. If they weren’t good looking, they would probably be the male version of Big Mama. Some bias our country’s people have toward TVXQ is wrong.

Choi Min Ho (3 Time Gold Medalist)

If I wasn’t a fan after listening to all of TVXQ’s fourth album, I wouldn’t be able to feel Youngwoong Jaejoong’s singing effortlessly like that. Xiah Junsu has a fine voice.

Tablo (Epik High)

From the beginning TVXQ was with us. Why~~do~~ we have the same thoughts? Seeing the support TVXQ gives us, really lets me see the love between singers. I can still feel it today. Really, I’m very thankful for this in the Hip Hop world.

FT Island

TVXQ sunbaes are very modest. Although they’ve already become Asia’s top idol group, we respect the humbleness they display at all times.

Park Joon Hyung

There were a lot of groups in the music industry during that time that disbanded because there were conflicts between members. Today I walked in and saw TVXQ, and knew that nothing like that would happen.

Rain (Singer)

I’m very envious of TVXQ, who is able to have those teen fans anticipating them. After the performances, those teen fans will chase after their cars and wait for them outside the office buildings. But with my fans, after performances, they say “You’ve worked hard~” I’ve also been asked, “How come you don’t have teen fans?”

Jang Ri In

Before they go on stage, they always have a very stable attitude. It’s like they really have handsome and clear souls.

Kim Dong Wan (Shinhwa)

There are many groups coming out these days, and a lot of them look really good. TVXQ stands out among these groups.

K. Will

TVXQ’s vocal talent among idol groups is really the best. Especially their charisma and leadership onstage, it’s really good.

Super Junior

We admire TVXQ, who has been able to successfully make a place for themselves in Japan.

Jong Hyun (SHINee)

Out of all our sunbaes, TVXQ doesn’t hold back, they’ve done very well. Especially to TVXQ’s Micky Yoochun, I’m very thankful. The first time we went onstage, he came in person to bring food over to support us, I was really thankful that time.


Although they’re already top stars, their personality is still very good. Compared to when I was younger, they’re really very kind.

LSM (SM Entertainment)

It’s really a waste~ The kids who could’ve gone onto their solo careers became a group in the end.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



'They're old'
'They're Korean? Not interested'
'Haven't they disbanded?'
'You still like them?'
'Wake up, they're over.'
We've heard it all.
Most of us have engaged ourselves in conversations where we've tried, time and time, to emphasize the following:
'No, they're not over. Their activities have been put on hold - it's all temporary. Look at Cassiopeia, each and single every one of us is holding on to our faith and waiting for their return.'
or 'No, don't say that, give them a chance'
We say these things with so much confidence but there are times when even we ourselves doubt those words. Yet all the same, we vow to carry on, with our heads held high.
Some things fade over time, others remain afresh in our minds.
I remember worrying about you being replaced by SHINee, but I now understand that that will never be the case - You are Dong Bang Shin Ki. You are irreplaceable. Not because they're incompetent, no, that's not it. SHINee will never take your place because Dong Bang Shin Ki will only ever be Dong Bang Shin Ki; you're U-Know Yunho, Choikang Changmin, Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun and Youngwoong Jaejoong. They will never be the same 5 boys.
I remember the days when I was new to this fandom and I would constantly be on edge and morbidly afraid. But that is now in the past; over time, I've learnt that Cassiopeia is about supporting and being there for one another. Our role in this fandom is to tell those in doubt not to be afraid and to always keep their faith.
I still cry. I cry when I hear 'Chajatta' being played, I cry when I look back on the days when you were still together, perfectly intact.
Sometimes my friends tell me 'I don't get you, why are you holding on to this? It's a lost cause. That group is over.'
But you know what? I've given up trying. I used to try so hard to make others understand, to explain how I felt and how much pain I was going through. I tried to put my feelings into words but they never understood. None of it matters anymore though, I have the whole of Cassiopeia by my side. We understand one another in ways others don't and that's all that really matters.
I'm not sure why I'm writing all this, maybe I'm nostalgic, maybe I'm wondering why I'm still here. Maybe I'm trying to tell the world that I'm not just another obsessive fan girl and I know that there are those of you out there who feel the same. We're not in this because we expect something in return, we're not in this for the thrill of the ride - we're in this together because of our shared beliefs. We love and care for these boys; their happiness is as important to us as ours is to them.
We need to make it through this Cassiopeia, and that requires maturing as fans and as individuals. Remember what got you here in the beginning and hold on to those memories. They will be back, and when the day comes, you'll be glad that you didn't let go.
This is kind of a lousy part 2 to this
I needed something to do to keep myself from falling asleep - excuse the bad english ><"
Credits: TVXQBaidu + yachoke
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights

TVXQ will comeback in 2011?

TVXQ will comeback in 2011?

must be really excited after read that topic~
but the truth is..more painful than it seems~
TVXQ with YUNHO & CHANGMIN only...

from SM statement,
"they already proposed to JYJ to ask whether they wanna continue their activity as TVXQ
but no respond from JYJ~"
but.. i dont know who to believe,
if its true that JYJ dont want it more, it is really painful..
but sometimes i just denied it..
because i know maybe..
JYJ actually wanna be 5 too~ with HOMIN~
maybe JYJ just dont want to be with SM anymore...
yup.. i know it is tired to be under SM.,
plus, after all this times that happen..
SM must wont let JYJ go easily~~

but i really pitiful & sad to HOMIN~
well although sometimes i had once blamed them for not file the lawsuit together..
but i do believe they got their own reason~
& i dont blamed them anymore
but they really seems like disappearing..
i mean..
they r not active as before....
its hurt to see they got so many free times..
LOL.. funny right,,
when they are too busy..
i wanna they have rest...
but when they dont busy...
i wanna see them active..
ahh molla~ molla~~~

from deep down in my heart...
i really do wish to see TVXQ as 5~!!!!!!
i really feel hopeless to see them as 5 again..
& i kinda feel helpless...
well i cant do anything..
besides crying~

but i still gonna WAIT~!!
still gonna KEEP THE FAITH~
wait & wait & wait
coz only them that i really love so much~
no other artist can ever take their place
they have been sealed in my chest!
cannot be taken out~

i always LOVE u~
i will wait to hear the truth from your mouth~
what is exactly is going on~

please comeback as DONG BANG SHIN KI~!!!!

TVXQ as 5~

TVXQ as 5~

"we're FAMILY,as well as FRIENDS,
the word COMRADE also comes to mind,
we have to be TOGETHER!

"we trust each other & are also each other's STRENGTH,
before i knew it,
they r already a DEEP PART OF ME,

"each time,i've said that they're like my SIBLINGS,
like my FAMILY~
but to me,
they're more than a family,
they're A PART OF ME,
my alter ego"

"if i was alone,
there'd be no way i could hv come this far,
i dont really hv that confidence,
but to be here,
now 5 of us are are already a FAMILY,"
"even if everything failed,
as long as the members r there,
i feel that its all right,
& another chance will defintiely come our way..
for me,
they're more than a family~.."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

always keep the faith!


this is PURELY based on a fan’s thoughts but i find this article VERY convincing and i just want all u cassies out there to take a look at it…

Ok now that I’m satsified after dinner, I shall present my first formal “train of thought”

From the time of the DBSK lawsuit quest against SME, the question that has been at the back of my mind until now is

Why did HoMin (Yunho and Changmin) stay in SME?

At first, I was really upset due to the fact that HoMin didn’t join the other 3 in the lawsuit. If they joined wouldn’t DBSK still be together? If they joined they would be all happy coz they can be together. If they joined, we as fans won’t have to worry our brains out whether they will disband or not. IF IF IF…… Seriously, I think after half a year of pulling my hair out, crying until my eyes hurt, getting moody for no reason because I was always worrying about DBSK, I finally woke up from my narrow minded IFS. Well what IF there is a reason behind HoMin’s decision? What IF HoMin stayed for DBSK’s future in the long run? What IF there are things they can’t tell us at the moment? I went back to watch their clips, interviews, shows again and realised how foolish I was. You know, sometimes you’ll think that it’s impossible to fool yourself but it turns out to be easiest thing of all!!!

Let’s trace our mind back to the time when DBSK told us to not trust everything we hear but only trust what comes from their mouths. They said that there are things which they can’t tell us now. The only things I’ve heard from their mouths are “let’s wait” “keep the faith”, etc Now after blabbing on for so long, I shall just get into the details.


When I calmed down I also began to think: Why is it Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun who stood up against SME, why not Yunho and Changmin?

Many people have said that it’s coz of the cosmetic business, it’s coz the other two are happy with the contract, but everyone…sit down and think long and hard. Did the thought that it might be their plan from the start come across anyone’s mind???

1) I’ve checked other people’s journals, websites and forums and came up with a basic “strength”distribution analysis so please don’t hit me if you don’t agree completely…^^”
Strength- Compared to others, his dancing is superb. Once in an interview for Mirotic dance moves, interviewer asked “who’s the best dancer?” Everyone in the group instantly pointed to Yunho XD
Weakness- Compared to others, his singing probably needs the most improvement.
Strength- Beautiful and powerful vocal range especially for reaching high notes.
Weakness- Dancing compared to others and some other overall aspects need to be improved.
Strength- He’s basically the composer of the group. Powerful musicianship in composing.
Weakness- Singing and dancing is “Ok”
Singing is WOW…awesome “rainbow voice” dancing is alright
Pro at both singing and dancing!!!
By Looking at these strengths and weaknesses of each member, we can conclude that it would be a little difficult for SME to produce a powerful independent group just out of HoMin. Whereas, on JYJ’s side, it would be more possible for the trio to stand up alone. Thus, the strength distribution can be said to be planned out quite well XD.

2) Why is it Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochu who stood out?
The 3 are involved with the cosmetic business where as HoMin aren’t. Thus, it would make more sense as the cosmetic incident gives them more of an excuse instead of HoMin who aren’t involved. Also, If the trio succeeded in the lawsuit case against SME, it would be easier to help HoMin out but if they don’t succeed, because the remaining 2 members are in SME still, SME wouldn’t do anything drastic to harm DBSK’s existence.

3) Yunho is the leader of DBSK. For him to step out, there would be a stronger impact, a stronger call or appeal. Therefore, he can’t easily just make any move because if they succeeded then it would be great, but if theyfailed, the first person SME would aim an attack on would be Yunho. If Yunho collapses, the continuation of DBSK would be at risk. He is basically the pole of DBSK so he needs to calculate his every move carefully. So after discussing this, all 5 members probaby agree that it’s not a good idea for Yunho to step out. As everyone already know, Changmin is the youngest and they all said before that they don’t want to hurt him the most. In order to protect Changmin, the safest bet would be to leave him with Yunho. Thus, it explains why Yunho and Changmin remained.

4) So many people are complaining that SME is focusing all their energy on destroying JYJ rather than paying attention to HoMin. HRMMMMM I wonder WHY???? Judging from SME’s money greed, we would expect them to use HoMin instantly to fill up the spots of the other 3 and earn the money. Until now, Changmin is involved in one drama, Yunho is involved in a musical. Apart from that they aren’t making grand concerts, comebacks? why aren’t they as busy compared to JYJ?They still have time to play basketball, go see concerts? It seems that they don’t have as many promotions….isn’t it strange? One explanation would be that SME can’t fully trust in HoMin. Why? because HoMin’s relationship with JYJ has not changed and SME knows that although HoMin are under SME, their hearts are with JYJ.

5) Why does JYJ hold concerts such as the Thanksgiving in Tokyo Dome and try to expand overseas to America and such? You can say that they need money, but more importantly SME aren’t supporting them anymore. Their initial apartment, food, cars have been confiscated. Are they going to just wait until the lawsuit’s over to perform. By then, their name would probably have gradually faded and replaced by a new wave of band and artists. Also, they want to tell us fans that they are still fighting. They are trying their best and they can reach fame WITHOUT SME. This is all to comfort us. HoMin can’t do this because 1) they probably don’t want to promote SME and cause competition with JYJ 2) Under SME, they can’t do whatever they want because they don’t have the amount of freedom as JYJ. They can’t cause big comotion because right now, SME’s attitude towards HoMin is one of distrust which is proven by the lack of activities. This means, that the 5 are still together at heart!

The money bit is also important. Notice that JYJ not only earns money from these albums and concerts, but also demanded compensation from SME. The money is important for the future of DBSK. If by a certain time HoMin also leaves, DBSK would have to be stable financially. Look at the example of Shinwha. Eric was rich so he could buy his group out of SME. What about DBSK? They have to start from scratch. In order to stand up alone and independently, the trio must be able to have funds. If they aren’t stable, SME will attack them any time.

6) Why hasn’t SME striken the last blow yet? I always have this uneasy feeling that underneath all this, they have a bigger plan.
Simple. They are “cooking” us through time. SME is waiting for Cassie to become impatient, to start splitting and dividing between JYJ and HoMin. They are waiting for us to start cursing and fighting each other, creating choas.
Be mindful, the first person to strike is the loser. So for our DBSK, we have to be patient and wait. I know it’s hard to stay patient coz I’m an impatient person but we have to try and avoid SME’s trap…It could be said that once we collapse, the hope for the 5 members will be gone.
DBSK’s hope lies in their talent + support from fans. SME’s money source doesn’t come from DBSK but from US!!!

7) Why did Yunho mention Yoosu in Goong’s conference? “I heard that Yoosu hadbeen successful in his drama. I want to be successful like him” I didn’t understand at the start.

Why all of a sudden? he could have just said that he wanted to be successful so why go to all the trouble to mention Yoosu specifically. This is actually very clever of our leader Yunho XD Yunho always thinks before he says something so he isn’t the type of person who would say something without any intention or thoughts. This is the only opportunity for him to mention the trio without getting into trouble by SME who forbids any contact between JYJ and HoMIn. He wants to tell us that their relationship is fine and for us to not worry. But he can’t say it specifically because he would be in real trouble. So he took this opportunity which wouldn’t cause suspicion from SME to hint to us and hoping that we would get his suggestion.

8) Yunho and Changmin still introduces themselves as DBSK’s members. They want to tell us that DBSK still exists and they are there to keep it alive. This is the best they can do, if they say or do anymore then SME would become suspicious. Everyone must have noticed how little HoMin have stated about the lawsuit issue. Even when SME published that document in their name accusing the other 3 they didn’t say anything. If they really did write those harsh comments, why weren’t they present when SME published it at the conference?? The signatures were totally different from their normal ones (Yunho’s signature had a star?? and Changmin signed in Chinese???) I mean seriously, it’s either that SME forged their signatures or Yunho and Changmin were forced to sign those papers. The other 3 didn’t say anything about this issue either because they’re smart enough to figure out that those typed up papers are FAKE = =” Under SME, HoMin can’t have any personal attachement so it explains their coldness and silence. JYJ formed this name coz they aren’t allowed to use DBSK as it would cause even more trouble from SME so they created a “UNIT” NOT ” a “group”

Think about it guys, would all the years together be wiped out by money or lies? The 5 members are stronger than we think so we should worry about ourselves. We don’t need to be scared about SME. Why do you think SME are so desparate to get JYJ back and scared of their rising fame? It’s because if they don’t have DBSK, their income would drop by 40-60% Essentially, a certain amount of control lies in our hands. Lastly, who buys DBSK’s album, goes to their concert, supports them, makes them popular? it’s USSSSS. To put it bluntly, if no one supported DBSK, they wouldn’t be popular right? Therefore, DBSK’s future does not base on SME’s decision but our decision. SME’s existence is based on us, if we don’t buy their products, how do they get the money?

All 5 members want us to wait, they said they don’t want to disband, they said they want to stay together so why can’t we stay together and believe them for once?? “Keep the faith” is the tattoo on Jaejoong and Yoosu’s bodies but we don’t need those tattoos coz we can carve it into our hearts. CASSIE FIGHTING!!!!

cr: emmiieee-chan at xanga