..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



'They're old'
'They're Korean? Not interested'
'Haven't they disbanded?'
'You still like them?'
'Wake up, they're over.'
We've heard it all.
Most of us have engaged ourselves in conversations where we've tried, time and time, to emphasize the following:
'No, they're not over. Their activities have been put on hold - it's all temporary. Look at Cassiopeia, each and single every one of us is holding on to our faith and waiting for their return.'
or 'No, don't say that, give them a chance'
We say these things with so much confidence but there are times when even we ourselves doubt those words. Yet all the same, we vow to carry on, with our heads held high.
Some things fade over time, others remain afresh in our minds.
I remember worrying about you being replaced by SHINee, but I now understand that that will never be the case - You are Dong Bang Shin Ki. You are irreplaceable. Not because they're incompetent, no, that's not it. SHINee will never take your place because Dong Bang Shin Ki will only ever be Dong Bang Shin Ki; you're U-Know Yunho, Choikang Changmin, Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun and Youngwoong Jaejoong. They will never be the same 5 boys.
I remember the days when I was new to this fandom and I would constantly be on edge and morbidly afraid. But that is now in the past; over time, I've learnt that Cassiopeia is about supporting and being there for one another. Our role in this fandom is to tell those in doubt not to be afraid and to always keep their faith.
I still cry. I cry when I hear 'Chajatta' being played, I cry when I look back on the days when you were still together, perfectly intact.
Sometimes my friends tell me 'I don't get you, why are you holding on to this? It's a lost cause. That group is over.'
But you know what? I've given up trying. I used to try so hard to make others understand, to explain how I felt and how much pain I was going through. I tried to put my feelings into words but they never understood. None of it matters anymore though, I have the whole of Cassiopeia by my side. We understand one another in ways others don't and that's all that really matters.
I'm not sure why I'm writing all this, maybe I'm nostalgic, maybe I'm wondering why I'm still here. Maybe I'm trying to tell the world that I'm not just another obsessive fan girl and I know that there are those of you out there who feel the same. We're not in this because we expect something in return, we're not in this for the thrill of the ride - we're in this together because of our shared beliefs. We love and care for these boys; their happiness is as important to us as ours is to them.
We need to make it through this Cassiopeia, and that requires maturing as fans and as individuals. Remember what got you here in the beginning and hold on to those memories. They will be back, and when the day comes, you'll be glad that you didn't let go.
This is kind of a lousy part 2 to this
I needed something to do to keep myself from falling asleep - excuse the bad english ><"
Credits: TVXQBaidu + yachoke
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights

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