..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Thursday, January 6, 2011


AKTF doesnt only means we want them to be 5 only~~
it is beyond than that~
AKTF means we believe in each of them~
although they mught not be together..
but as long we believe in each of them..
they can still continue to singing & create better music..
they still can go on because of our presence..
they need us to always believe in them..~
they are fragile... so weak mentally~
but they are strong because of us too~
so keep loving them is already enough for them..
if we are not strong for them.. they also might be weak~

i love all of them~ each of them so much~
i always keep my faith to each of them for them to continue succeed in everything they do
i hope they can continue to make a great music..
continue to give their very best in their performances & singing& acting...
because this is what they are dream for before debut..
this is what they want to be before this..
& we must support them~~ like we always do~

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