..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Monday, January 17, 2011

[TRANS] HoMin : Time will reveal the truth

TVXQ became more manly than ever and returned to the stage. Although the number of members had reduced, it felt enriching. 。

After a 2 year-3 month hiatus, through their newest album they expresses their inner thoughts.

“Not losing the colors of the name TVXQ, we would like to show everyone how we have matured through music. Wouldn’t like to hear negative comments of “lacking” or “not enough”, so we gave our best on stage singing and dancing”.

-After such a long time, finally made your comeback!

MAX : “Because it’s been so long since we went on stage, so I thought I will be really nervous, but my excitement overcomed my nervousness. I felt very happy while preparing for the comeback.”

UKNOW : “I would be lying if I were to say that there’s no burden. But fortunately, many fans came to the studio, and that gave us strength. I’ve never cried since debut, but this time, I teared up.”

-What’s you thought about coming back as a duo?

UKNOW : “TVXQ is made up of the original 5 members and Cassiopeia. But because we’re claiming we’re TVXQ with only 2 members left, sparks controversy. Some say “Who are you to call yourself TVXQ when there’sonly 2 person?” Maintaining the colors of the music seemed to be the most important aspect in my opinion.”

-How do you feel when you stand on stage as a duo?

UKNOW : “The first time standing as a duo was last year during SM Town concert. A lot then said we looked coordinated and our emotions blended well.” Of course, the company had thought of problems “will a duo be successful” numerous times. A more appropriate way of describing the situation would be there’s trust but not 100% sure. SM family members and staffs, including our fans gave us unremitting support and encouragement, boosting our confidence that we’ll be able to do it and at the same time, the feeling of burden eventually faded.”

-What did you do in the past 2 years and 3 months?

UKNOW : “Went to a lot of places for vacation, earned myself a lot of time to think. I once followed the subway route, chose one, bringing with me 3000Won and a water bottle, walking aimlessly from one stop to the stop where the route terminates. There was once when I, along with my manager hyung and friends form my hometown, circled the whole country. Despite Changmin’s refusal, we still paid him a visit on the set of “Paradise Ranch”. The scenery in Jeju Island is very beautiful. Through those vacations, I saw and felt a lot of things, a lesson was learnt. I came to a realiztion that there are highs and lows in life. If I can make through the hard times, won’t I be able to see a bigger and brighter light?”

MAX : “After our 1 year activities in Japan, following the shooting of “Paradise Ranch”, we recorded our album. In simple words, I did a self-reflection. I realized that I only contact with people who are close to me, ever since the issue was exposed by the media, I don’t go out much. Dislike it when people look at me with abnormal view.”

-Title song “WHY” caused confusion that it was directed at JYJ. Is it true?

MAX : “It’s the same theory when people are listening to songs with a sad and sorrowful meaning and felt that “it’s like my story”, adding their own emotions when they’re listening. In other words, “WHY” expresses the feeling when being dumped by the person you loved most. People couldn’t have felt that if they put in other sort of emotions when listening.”

UKNOW : “Our songs before also consist of similar styles with “WHY”, but oddly “WHY” is not accepted welcomely. No matter what songs we perform now are causing controversy.

-Do you have anything to say to JYJ?

MAX: “No.”

UKNOW : “I’m not able to say anything other than this : Be healthy!”

-Do you contact JYJ?

UKNOW : “No.”

-Would you accept the invitation if you guys were to meet up as 5?

MAX : “The root of the issue if not because of discord between the members but with the company. It seems like the problems between them and the company should be solved first.”

-What is your most memorable memory when you were working as 5?

UKNOW : “All of them are. Even if it’s just communicating and supporting each other throught music. I hope there will be no more scarring of our memories because of rumours and speculations.”

-Never before cleared the confusion with JYJ.

UKNOW : “Can be honestly told, but would like to lessen words. The reason why we would not like to speak out the truth is because we think that TVXQ should be guarded, not belittle the name. Really apologetic for the confusions of fans. As time goes by, the truth will reveal itself.”

MAX : “The issue have brought great hurt to me. It doesn’t mean that we don’t have any mistakes or wrongdoings. Really sorry and apologetic to let our fans down.”

-If you reunite in the future, what would you say?

UKNOW : “Maybe a hug. If the problem is resolved peacefully…”

-What plans do you have for the future?

UKNOW : “Until mid year this year, the focus will be in the country, and then planning to start activities in Asia. Would like to be more active than we were.”

This has been translated from a Chinese trans, so there may not be 100% accuracy of the meaning. Apologies. :]

[Source : JoongAngIlbo
cr TVXQbar
trans and shared by imaxcassie]

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