..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Sunday, January 30, 2011

fun facts~!!

MC: if one of you slipped and fell while performing, what will you do?

Jaejoong: I'll look at Yunho because he's the leader, so I'll definitely look at his reaction

Junsu: I'll laugh out to cover up the mistake. Then, I'll act as if nothing happened.

Yoochun: I'll won't have any expression on my face and act as if everything is normal.

Changmin: I'll also act like nothing happened and won't talk about it especially after the concert

Yunho: I'll make my mistake as a dancing move and I'll be like Changmin after the concert, which I wont talk about it after concert.

MC: if there's an earthquake during the concert, what will you do?

Yunho: I think the person who will really panic is Yoochun, For me, I'll laugh on the spot and rap out to tell them (the members) that it's an earthquake and ask them to be careful

Yoochun: Yeah, me too, I think that I'll most probably freak out and be like so lost and scarred.

Changmin: well, for me, I'll silently walk to the backstage, well, gotta do some preparation right? *laughs*Then I'll try my best to find a way out and run for my life!

Junsu: I'll continue singing properly!

Jaejoong: (To Junsu) I think it'll be really noisy cos it's an earthquake right? *laughs*

DBSK's reaction when someone says
they're handsome:
Anyone: Oppa, you're really handsome!

Yunho: The rest of the members are better looking than me...

Jaejoong: Nah...

Changmin: Hehe... Not really... Thank yo

Junsu : Nah... seriously, you're very pretty as well!

Yoochun: I know!

MC: Which member likes to stay in
bed not wanting to get up?

Xiah: Although the youngest, but woke up the latest

Hero: And also it's very hard to wake him up!!

U-Know: It's a scary thing to wake him up

Max: I admit it's me!!

Micky: ChangMin is now at the rebellious stage!

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