..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Sunday, January 16, 2011

[TRANS] 110114 Interview with Park Yoochun

>> MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 2011

When JYJ member Park Yoochun first accepted his acting role, many people asked questions such as, “Why is a singer acting?” But Park Yoochun’s challenge has gained him high acclaim. Acting in last year’s KBS drama “Sungkyunkwan Scandal,” and in the 2010 KBS Drama Awards, he won the Best Newcomer Award and Netizen Award, getting 3 awards in total, gaining public attention once again for his market value.

The perfect “gentleman,” Park Yoochun, during his time in TVXQ, was known for both his talents and looks, and was a star with limitless potential.

In Japan, he gained attention for participating in the Japanese mobile television BeeTV’s drama. His entertainment career was one that people would be envious of, but at this time, his life was suddenly faced with a big challenge, which is the lawsuit against SM Entertainment. Furthermore, he and the other 2 members Jaejoong and Junsu, after leaving their original group, formed JYJ, but their performing activities faced various obstacles, not allowing them to move forward.

But, did he eat some elixir of youth? Park Yoochun’s talents are still actively exhibited in front of everybody. Recently, he has been fortunate enough to have a mountain of projects to pick from. Like a carp swimming against the rushing currents, he is pushing forward for the sake of challenging himself. This is the Park Yoochun that I see.

When I first saw you, it was in 2004 during TVXQ’s debut song “HUG.” 7 years have passed in a flash. During that time, you looked really polite and sincere, do you still hear such words now?

Just like now, to meet people that I had met previously, and still being able to hear such compliments, I’m really feeling good! I started off as a singer, so what I worry about the most is whether I would mix confidence and arrogance up. Even now, no matter where I go, I still maintain the same type of humility as before, and hope to leave a good impression on people.

Congratulations on winning 3 awards at the KBS Drama Awards. You only did one project, and you managed to achieve such results, this goes to show that you are really popular! To be successful in both music and acting industries, what is your secret?”

This is an embarrassing question for me. (Laughs) I’ve never thought of this, I feel that this project just fell nicely into place. (Not only was it successful, but successful three times over.) Many singers choose to go into acting, and to overcome the burden I had during that time, I worked even harder, and I didn’t think too much about the success or failure. This is how I managed to concentrate on acting, and commit myself to the role. The secret of popularity…hmm…I wonder if this is the same logic as being a whiteboard? Honestly speaking, although it is not always in a state of total cleanliness, but when required, it will be filled, yet it can be erased, so that I can continue to plan whatever I want on it.

Recently, the trend of entertainment industry has been changing rapidly, so it is common for singers to do acting as well. Your situation is the same as other artists, but I want to know, what is your true aim in wanting to act? Was it some opportunity, that made you want to be an actor?

After I started out as an actor, I really wanted to try acting. I really wanted to study acting properly. During Sungkyunkwan Scandal, a lot of people asked me: “(You’ve been in the entertainment industry,) why are you only starting to act now?” But I feel that even starting to act now may be a little early! The reason I wanted to act…is because I really wanted to act.

Recently, via the KBS Drama Awards, you finally managed to get perform on stage after a long time. The fans were also anticipating your performance, but you only managed to sing one drama theme song, and the fans did somewhat feel like it was a pity, since it is JYJ’s stage in front of the fans after all. Did you feel any regret?

Actually, I too would like to perform more for everyone, but circumstances didn’t allow it. Even though it was just one song, we were still very happy. We, too want to sing our own songs, but just the feeling of standing on stage, it’s really very good. Maybe it’s been too long since we’ve been of stage, so we were really able to enjoy the stage comfortably. As for regrets… it’s not just us, but the fans present as well as the viewers on stage were all able to feel it. I hope that this year, we will be able to have better performances for everyone to see.


You are currently in the midst of the lawsuit with SME. Due to various circumstances, your appearances and activities have been limited. If you had stayed in your original place, you wouldn’t be in such a difficult situation now, and you would still be standing on the stage in an untouchable position. It was such a level of glory, why did you give it up?

We had already decided to do it. I don’t deny that we gave up the glory. Standing at the top position, we never thought about such problems, we just want to continue performing for a longer time. (Not wanting the glory, just wanting to stay in this line for a longer time). Now, we just want to form a new family, while working.

Upon hearing that you would be acting, many people mocked, “Why are you even acting?” but now, everyone is looking forward to your next project. The anticipation towards “Actor Park Yoochun” has increased.

I’ve received a lot of drama and movie scripts, but I’ve not had the time to look through every book. I will not pick a project on impulse, but discuss the good projects with people around me before making a decision. This situation arose because of the popularity of “Sungkyunkwan Scandal.” (laughs)

You are still a newcomer at the moment, so it’s inevitable that people are more critical about your acting. I think that this necessary in your path to becoming a good actor. But towards your own acting, were there times that you got really mad?

Of course there were. While shooting “Sungkyunkwan Scandal,” I prepared a lot, but the director said that my acting skills were not up to par. Every time this happened, my mind would blank out. I really wanted to do well in front of the director, but when things did not go my way, I got really angry at myself.

After filming was completed, what was going through your mind?

Two days after completion, I was really unwell. For those two days, I stayed at home doing nothing, and I couldn’t even remember anything about the filming location. After I got better, it dawned on me, “Ah! My drama is over.” Initially, I wanted to know everyone’s reactions to my acting, so I switched on the computer and went online to look around, but it got a bit embarrassing so I shut it down. Other than that..Did I make any mistakes in front of the seniors? Or did I do anything wrong? Did I forget to bow to anybody? Things like that, I keep thinking back to the time when we were shooting, the people that I did not manage to extend courtesies to, I called them one by one to do so.

In this line, how long do you think you will work for?

During our concert in Japan, I suddenly asked myself, “How long can I hold on for?” Firstly, I thought about making my mom, brother, fans, members, and everyone else around me happy, and I want to do this until everyone is satisfied. But, a long time from now, when my mom is old and may even have difficulty walking, during then, I want to be by her side, taking care of her.”

You were able to win 3 awards, and this shows the power of your fans! But have you thought of the future, when your acting becomes recognized, will you be seeking even higher accolades?

This is why my burden is even heavier, and I feel sorry. During that time, I really felt really good, but I was really doubting if I won that award. Winning this award is a positive motivation for me.

Also, thinking back to the annual award shows, I realized that actors participating in popular projects win the big awards by doing only one project a year. However, I don’t think this way. I feel that since you win a big award, you should try to gain recognition by participating in various projects.

Being an actor or a singer, which do you think suits you more?

I like music and acting, not the profession of Actor or Singer. I started composing from middle school, and recently, even if I am not able to compose every night, I will still try to play the piano for a while. I recognize that I really love music. Once inspiration hits, I will start writing the tune out immediately. (Laughs.) With regards to acting, reading the script is a big burden, but once shooting begins, I immerse myself in it. Ah, I’m actually very interested (in acting.) I like both music and acting, and am interested in both, because they give me a sense of accomplishment.


We want to know what your plans are for this year

For the early part of the year, the worldwide album is to be released in US, and we plan to promote the album, and are also planning a concert world tour. During this time, I plan to pick a good project, and to prepare for a shoot, go for more acting classes, and meet the viewers via a television drama at the second half of the year. At the moment, Junsu is working on the musical “Tears of Heaven” and JYJ overseas activities, and Jaejoong also has plans to do a drama for the second half of the year.

Are you happy recently?

Will what I say be considered boring? But recently, I have been living an interesting life. I cherish every little thing, and I am very happy.

“I really want a girlfriend.”

JYJ member Park Yoochun’s new year wish : “I want to fall in love!”

Park Yoochun, with blood type O, had girlfriends with blood type O and blood type A before, and each relationship lasted for 3 years, and there was good understanding. Now, he wants to find a girlfriend that he can marry.

On the afternoon of the 13th, in an interview with chosun.com, he mentioned, “My father’s health has not been good, and so far, I have never brought a girlfriend home to my parents. If I have a chance, before his condition worsens, I want to introduce (my girlfriend) to him.”

When asked about his ideal type, he said, “I want someone with a kind face, a person that gives a feeling of sunshine. Someone who loves the people around us, a family type, who can get along well with the relatives.

Recently, Park Yoochun has been rumored to be dating Sungkyunkwan Scandal co-star Park Minyoung. To this, Yoochun replied, “Truthfully, this is just a rumour.”

Source: [BaiduTVXQ] + [DNBN] + [Chosun.com]
Translation credits: ssunsett@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits

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