..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

crying so much~~~

why all of this happen to our fandom & to our boys only???
why we all cannot be happy like the other fandoms
i am very disappointed
i am hurt by all of these
why u dont have a good heart???
u just think about revenge!! money!! power!!
u think u win now!!!
yes~~ u must be very happy with what had happen now
the Cassies already divide themselves to JYJfan & HOMIN fan
u think u win!!!!
but 1 day u will fall down!!!
& your head just fall down & down!!!

to the other fans out there who already divide themselves
why u never think about all 5 of our guys
do u think they happy with this??
they love each other so much!!!
even if JYJ fans take side only to JYJ
u think JYJ will be happy if u bashed HOMIN side??
& do u think HOMIN will happy if HOMIN fans bashing JYJ side??
they are getting more hurt than all of us !!!!
they are the 1 who suffered the most!!!
not us!!!
u guys be like this just make all of these conditions getting more worse!!

please... we all is a CASSIOPEIA who had made a promise to support & love all 5 of them
not TWO
not THREE!!!
but FIVE!!!

SME!!! u really have reached my limit!!!
u made a statement now that TVXQ just only HOMIN in it
do u ever discuss about this with JYJ
i dont think so!!!
JYJ already said that they still TVXQ members
& they are
but u do this without any discussion
without any agreement with 5 of them
u think u so strong???

i already accept the fact since before that JYJ&HOMIN will doing activities separately for now
but the fact that SME made which state TVXQ is HOMIN only
really pushed my limit!!!!
i cant accept all of this!!!
i hate u SME!!!!
i hate u so much!!!

i feel very hurt because i really love

so much!!!!
please let these guys back together again!!!
they are PERFECT when together!!
be just JYJ or HOMIN still not perfect
but being 5 together is more than perfect!!!

to all Cassies out there..
just lets all this fanwars stop
lets just support our guys equally
be strong!!!
SME want to look we separated & fighting
but we can prevent all of these!!
just think about our 5 guys happiness
think about their feelings~~
we love them right..
so.. please.. stop all of these!!

i always KEEP MY FAITH!!!
i LOVE DONGBANGSHINKI=5 of them!!!!!

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