..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Thursday, January 6, 2011

junsu tweet's 06012011

JS: It is not it.. It is not true.. That was what i believed..I thought that the 5 of us had the same enemy.. It doesn't seem like it was the enemy for all of us..Expressing my thanks for thinking that we have the same enemy..it seems that many things happened when we were not together.. It is tiring;

RT : 아니라고..아닐거라고..믿어왔는데..우리다섯의 적이라고..똑같이 그렇게 생각했었는데..모두의 적만은 아니였나 봅니다..우리가 같이 적이라고 생각해 왔었던 것들에..감사를 표한다는거...같이 하지 못한 시간동안 많은일이 있었나봅니다..너무 지치네요;

JS: i intend to see, listen to and think only of good things.. That was what i intended. But for today, doing that is too difficult. Even when we get separated, this wasn't supposed to be it hyung. We had the same thoughts didn't we.. Why.. Why.. Is it like that.

RT : 좋은것만 생각하고... 듣고.. 보려고 하는데..그렇게 해왔었는데..오늘 만큼은 참 그게 너무나 어렵네요..우리가 떨어져 있어도 ..이건 아니였잖아 형...우리 같은생각이였잖아..왜..왜..그러는 거야..

JS: i should love all... I should hug and shield everything.. I should embrace all of that.. I should do that right? ^^

RT : 다 사랑해야지..모든걸 감싸 안아야지..그 전부를 내가 품어야지..그래야지..^^

JS: Now is just a trial that came to test that beautiful dream we had.. After the flowers have fallen, let's start again. Start again. Start again. Again.. Definitely..

RT: 그토록 아름다웠던 꿈에 지금은 시련이 온것 뿐이야..꽃이 진후에 우리는 다시시작..다시시작..다시시작..다시..꼭

after reading this~
i cry so hard~
my tears fall uncontrobly
like waterfall
i dont know what to think
but i thing for sure
i still LOVE 5 of them
i really love them so much

nowadays things become so much worse,,
we thought at the end of 2010..
with JYJ & HOMIN comeback
2011 will be a great year
we can have a high hope in 2011 to see they as 5 again
its turn so worse
some Cassies already divide themselves into JYJ & HOMIN fans
its hurting me..
plus they bashing each other
didnt they realised all of these just add more pain in our boys heart??

for JUNSU tweet.. i dont know what exactly he means..
same as what Jaejoong tweet yesterday
" I'm just hoping to be ... I close my eyes, ears."
& his bio too..
"You keep you'r head up and keep an open mind."

seriously after i read these i cry~!!
but my mind blank
coz i dont want to make assumptions..
its already enough for me to read other fans thought..
whish is some is good while some is really bad..

but i will stick to myself!!
i will be strong..
so my 5 boys will not be alone
& i will always be a CASSIOPEIA which support 5 of them

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