..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

its just an opinion froma fan~ who loves them 5 equally..

On Tuesday 28th December 2010, said:

Before I write this, I take my position first. I liked all of them, of course, there was more and less. But I really liked them. Honestly, I like Jaejoong & Junsu more and then Changmin, Yuchun, Yunho are about the same.

For over a day... I thought how I could accept this circumstances.. I couldn't sleep all day long.
Before last Sunday, I truly hoped that HM would succeed without a doubt. And I didn't care that some of their fans blaimed JYJ or spreaded ridiculous rumors. I ignored them... Because JYJ still wanted to reunion and considered them, and I also did.

In fact, I was embarrassed to them when they announced their comeback and the launch of 5th album as name of TVXQ. But I tried to understand and remain quiet about that.
But.. when I heard their new title song... at first, I thought.. this 'why(keep your head down)' is not the same thing that Yunho sung at the last SM concert. Some of you don't understand and asked 'I don't know why you do it. what's wrong with you?'. Is the meaning of 'keep your head down' to avoid attracting attention? If they are not Korean, it wouldn't make a trouble. But they are Korean. In Korea, the meaning of it is totally different. The meaning of it 'keep your head down' is 'The head it drives'. Can you imagine the shock that we've got after heard it? And then I thought... 'who might this song be directed towards?' and thought and thought...

Perhaps, some of you told me 'why do you blame them? It could be a coincidence. They didn't make their new title song. It's an overreacting!!' But I don't think like that. At least, if they considered to JYJ only once and they want to reunion with JYJ, they didn't choose that song that would be possible to make a trouble. If they didn't make that song, they didn't do it at least.. After much thought I asked to others and found something to make excuses for them. But the more I did, the more clear evidences I came up with.. I remembered my boys suffered from.
Now that I think of it, I feel to be robbed. Some of you heard or knew about the 625meeting. Some fans said 625meeting was made to put the blame on HM. I also knew some fans made to translate in English, Japanese and Chinese and spreaded many international fans. But it was not true. It made to explain 'some kind of rumors' that TVXQ would be broken up because of their cosmetic business on the side. Some of you still have viewed JYJ with suspicion like this 'why did their parents have the meeting with fans?' Before the 625meeting, it very often happened in this fandom. But if you still have suspicion to JYJ, I want to ask you 'Have you heard about 623?' I told just before 'some kind of rumors' to be made on Jun. 23. 2009. That day was the starting point of spreaded on web communities. From that day, that rumors started to come out from some sysop of Yunho's fan pages. (I don't want to point somebody but... that was the truth that I knew.. so I couldn't help it.)
Some of them told that JYJ had a relation with CJ media. (CJ media is very huge. It owns Mnet and many other companies to relate to entertainment.) I'd rather be they are. If they are, they didn't have trouble with a work in Korea. CJ is really powerful company so it sheltered from the attack of SM.
When they came out from SM on Jul. 31. 2009, I knew that before because I heard about the circumstances from my friend the reporter at the part of entertainment in a leading newspaper. But It was a little different. In the early of 2009, when I heard their news at first, I heard they came out together. However, 3 of them came out, not all. I had thought there was difference of views between them.
But after last Sunday, I realized there was something to be unreliable. I told the couple talk between JS & YH and JS & YC in A. A. TVXQ the 3rd. JS constantly told about something at the end of both videos.
'I don't know if our fans would understand this but I think we can overcome any barriers in life. 'barriers', I'll leave it up to your imagination. But we do have problems. But we can overcome those problems together. Give us your support.'
'We talk a lot about future these days.'
When they were shooting, they also prepared the law suit against SM. I was frustrated why I weren't aware of.
SM announced their position about the law suit with JYJ On Nov. 2009. SM took a release copy to be sighed by HM. At those times, I was a little bit upset. JYJ was really shocked by a release copy. But I tried to understand them. I thought 'They couldn't help it. They didn't want to do it.' like this. Because JYJ wanted that fans understood their positions, I also did it without suspicion.
When JYJ started to work in Japan, Masatomatsuura said like this on his tweets,
'Yunho shook hands with me but Changmin ignored that I extended my hand at the last record awards.'
'I'm sorry if there were someone to hurt because of my honesty. But It was true... All the staffs of AVEX were watching it.'
'There is a rumor that HM move their company to Universal records in Japan.. It's just a rumor now, but if it is true, reunion of TVXQ actually would be hard.'
But on the middle of September AVEX had a foolish decision. There were many rumors about it. Before a month, it happened... the vice-president of SM went to Japan and met Masatomatsuura and then wine and dine him with some gifts.
My boys were hard pressed not to work in Korea and Japan. At the interview, they told that they thought to become a farmer. After I heard it, I was really upset. They are not foolish. They could blame them if they wanted to do. But they didn't do it. They always wanted to reunion with HM. And they know that it won't be good to each other.
To blame others... I think it means the last.. At least, it couldn't happen if they considered all fans and their members...
Anyway I always tried to understand and respect them despite these rumors.
Many all fans were embarrassed and disappointed to them after heard about their new title song. Now I don't want to do it anymore, too. I'll support my boys much harder. Even so, I won't become HM's antis.. I'll be just indifferent to HM's action. I still hope the reunion because my boys want to do. And I still have some feelings left for them. I really trusted them.

There were many others to happen. But I arranged just big news from nowhere. Because it is just to spit on my face, I don't want to expose their embarrassing matters.

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