..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


[LIST] a scary luck – YUNJAE UPDATE oct 2010 part 2

October 24th, 2010 § 98 Comments

note: i replace all ‘my BGF’ w ‘moliv’ in ths post incase if u all confuse


a lucky ppl beat everythg, thts wht i learned frm moliv…

so finally moliv did it, she went to SG to watch JYJ showcase although only cat A n nt vip later…’

her SCARY lucks began driving her fate…

1. she got cheap flight tickets, n happen to get cat A 3rd row frm front w also cheap price (d owner sold it in hurry)

2. she spent overnites in STAMFORD hotel in raffles area n JYJ HAPPEN TO STAY THERE TOO, MOLIV N JYJ WERE IN SAME HOTEL!!! n moliv got it w cheap price (will u believe me if i said she got it one fifth of regular price? well…believe it then…)

3. when she went to changi to join cassies to welcome JYJ, she got a very close to captured them in a vid n her fren (scary luck too) fortunately just came frm other country n happen to be in same terminal as jyj, even went out together w them so when cassies cheered jyj, she got cheered too

4. i thought it was her luck to unable to get d vip cz at last NO HANDSHAKE N PHOTOTAKIN for vip

she said those cancelation of handshakin n phototakin was ordered frm jyj’ management so questid can do nothg slight rumor behind d cancelation: jae was pissed off n kinda annoyed cz d leader (or owner) of as said management in SG, b**kt (sorry i need to sensor it ^^) was GAY n had crush on jae n kept checked on him even VERY CLINGY ONTO JAE

moliv said it was obvious during showcase tht jae was pissed off n nt focused (while junchan’ sex appeal increased rapidly n she said she unable to moved her eyes frm his groin covered by tht suppa tight pants)

5. i guess moliv’ luckyness was her mom’ genetical cz when d showcase was over, MRT near d expo already off n rarely taxi there so most cassies stayed thinkin jyj still in backstage to change clothes or somethg BT D FACT THT they already went back to hotel, n fortunately moliv’ mom met them in lobby!!!

when moliv finally arrived in hotel, her mom ranting

“weh telat kowe, artis sek mbok senengi wes liwat, gene sek cakep mung siji sek rambute abang mirip kowe…sek liyane kek sing dodol bakpao ngarep omah” – (u r late, they already gone, d eyecatchest one was d one w redwine haire look alike u [jae] while d others [yoosu] look alike d bun seller infront of our home)

“koyo ndelok reunian debrito” – (feels like attending debrito’ reunion [a boy' school, contain mostly chinese])

when moliv’ mom answered a phonecall asking wht was she doin in SG, she answered “ki, ngeterke anakku ndelok bakul chikyen” – (i’m taking my daughter to see chikyen’ sellers [bun brand])

srsly aunty~~ ur luck ish scarier yet ur straight comments really somethg, i got stomachcramp once moliv told me those…

n yes i ve told u all b4, moliv look alike jae onnie, evn his sisters said so…i guess its only me who didnt -__-”


n now YUNJAE UPDATE!!! (fuck! i love being myself ^^ n a yjshipper) (some of them r rumor, some more maybe already a fact)

1. some trusted sources said ITS TRUE tht yunjae bought an apartment to share in korea early 2009

2. yunho did watch seoul showcase, yunjae met in a park aft d showcase, some yjstalkers saw jyj’ manager dropped jae off there

3. as long as d showcase in thailand, jae was in bad mood since yunho hadnt call him a week

4. i still wonder why its yunho who will role in poseidon movie instead d rumored-jae, they definetly DID MEET to discuss it in my opinion

5. jae wore d same leather jacket in SG as wht yun ev wore b4 in gimpo airport

shared: mchan

6. all tvxq member (i guess) got BB (maybe for their korean num) n yunjae got iphone (for japan) (i dunno whether yoosumin also got iphone) – yunjae’ cheesyness via BBM?? do they even hve their own TVXQ conference room?

howd i knw? duh~~~ its clearly said twitter for blackberry, it such a funny thg if u log in twitter w someone’ BB -__-”

7. n finally jyj in twitter!!! i really wish yunnie n minmin will join them asap!!!

8. just moments a go when jyj showcased in shanghai there’ lotta yunjae banner…achun saw it n order jae to saw it too…aft jae saw it, all he can do was smile shyly… (cre: as twitted)

9. our beloved mel (mchan here) kindheartly showed fate-teller (i’ll call her madam frm now on) a yunjae’ pic despite askin bot her own self (thx dear…) n b4 she asked any, madam already talked

madam: they fated for each other, their way rocked n lots problems bt d end depend on themselves

mel : bt they both guys…

madam: it doesnt matter, although both guys, ths one *point at jae* has feminime side…couple fated like ths will hardly break up

mel: *speechless*

madam, all yjshipper gve u a deeeeeeeeeepppp bow!!! we luv uuuuuu

shared: mchan

10. n ooh once again mel (mchan) kindheartly shares about HSC’ restaurant called Our Place where (as said) yunjae ev met n discussed in Happy Together

isnt it look like a perfect place to spent together? aww…i envy onnie to have almost every N I MEAN EVERYTHG i wanted yet dreamed…

shared: mchan


i’ll just add some more later, if u all knw some rumor or better…fact…best…w evidences, plz share w us cz we do need cravin for it ^^

as d end of ths update, i’ll just share

guess its time for me to sleep z__z its 3am already here n i have to wake up at 5am

2hrs sleep? gosh! onnie must be mad at me for torturin my body n brain like ths…as he said “beauty sleep time” he will find out easily by d rapid blown of my eyebag…bt hey i sacrifice my sleeptime to update my blog fulfilled w him…

n onnie’ twit account: mjjeje

i wonder why he use mj…

mj = michael jackson = yunho ????

oooh plz let it be true!!!!!!



ths aftnoon i got an excitin chat w areyouwet n she kindheartly share ths

shared: areyouwet

i knw u all wonder why i upload those 2 pics above…

i dun realize too…at first…b4 areyouwet mention NECK

u still dun realize it?


b4 areyouwet telling me its a bruise, i already yelled in her chatwindow OMFG ITS A HICKEY!!!!

see tht a bit purplish part near his collar?

ok we both culd be wrong, we knw…bt we cant help it >,<

my head suddenly went dizzy n cant say any…i was speechless n i decided to hve a cold shower while areyouwet headin bed…its nite in her place ^^

in 1st pic we can see d faint hickey bruise a bit clearly, it shaped a bit roundin on top n left…

no imagine u suck jae onnie’ neck w u infront of him n wearin heels so u r taller thn him 10cms

or imagine ur bias sucks ur neck…

how will it shaped when it fade?

if u got same mind as me n areyouwet, lets squeal together ^^

n there’ no question who gve it to him if its REALLY a hickey, rite?

rev: bad job oppa, we all can see it clearly…

yun: uuh…err…

jae: *whisper* aish! tht stupid makeup assistant, i told her to put conclear on it *hiss*

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