..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Monday, December 20, 2010


We have seen them being 5 extraordinary talents, now they are momentarily divided into 3 + 2, JYJ shares thoughts about their past and now through a recent interview.

01. You guys have won the daesang(biggest award) twice back in 2006 and 2008, so have you been watching the awards ceremony this year?
Yoo Chun: “Yes. There are definitely memories overflowing as we think back. It had been 2 years since we last stood on that stage, therefore we are in appreciation for this award.”

02. Rumored that JaeJoong is very popular among the Japanese female celebrities, and is currently dating?
Jae Joong: “Those are just rumors, it is true that I maintain a close relationship with the Japanese celebrities, but I am definitely not dating anyone now. Japan and Korea is different in their entertainment industry. In Japan, the celebrities maintain a relaxing and close friendship, like how normal friends would do, meet out and have fun. That is probably the reason why Ayumi Hamasaki and I were in the rumor.”
Yoo Chun: Jae Joong has got what Japanese females likes, cute and sexy, very popular there, but it is true that he is currently single.”

03. Korean celebrities and their rising popularity in Japan?
Jae Joong: “Korean celebrities are gaining greater standing now than before. If you break it down, you will most likely think of amazing dance choreography, strong vocal capabilities and beautiful faces when Korean celebrities are being mentioned. Korean male celebrities can handle liquor well, they also maintain a good body shape, probably the reason why Japanese sees the potential?”

04. It must have been tough for you guys the past years, is it more relaxing now?
Jun Su: “We have already predicted the tough challenges ahead. Not to mention that we are contented with our International album released, the process might be tiring but we all hope that these will rest and hope to meet our fans as soon as possible.”

05. You know it is a risky decision to leave the group, but any reasons behind this? Not afraid of being called ‘hypocrites’?
Junsu: Before making the choice, we have been living with mixed feelings for a year or so. Outsiders sees their own reasons, salary or future, but we stood at our own, thinking about the future when we look back at our lives, are we going to see it as a form of happiness? The conclusion is ‘no’. Therefore we chose to follow our way. We might have disappointed the fans who liked and supported us through the years, but to have our own life, it was the correct way.”

06. To give up the highest popularity, also a tough decision to make?
Junsu: “During that time, we were prepared to quit being singers. If it wasn’t the courage, we would not have made the decision. So what if we are left to do farming? Prepared to fight for our own in the next 10 years.”
Yoo Chun: “Yes, we had thought about it, if our entertainment path were to be disrupted, we can just get prepared to leave our home in Seoul, and advance to other places.”

07. Unlikely chance of being on air, there are many challenges ahead?
Jae Joong: “As compared to the past, the situation now is much improved. There are always obstacles that pop out of nowhere, but we learn to overcome them. If negative news comes out, we will deactivate our internet, isolate ourselves from all the news report. Just like seeing positive through the negativity. People around us will feel sad if we present a disheartened expression. That is why we spread positivity through twitter or weibo.”

08. Still in contact with Yun Ho and Chang Min?
Jae Joong: “No, a pity. Our original intention was to leave the company but not our team members…. We saw their album teaser that is coming out this January, really wish them the best of luck.”

09. How are your relationship with each other?
Yoo Chun: “Because of the tight schedules, we did not get much time together. But after the concert last month, we went on a 2 week tour around Korea. From Kangwon-do to Busan, spent almost 2 weeks together searching for good food. Junsu was really popular there.”

10. When was the glorious moment of TVXQ?
Yoo Chun: “We will shine the most if we get to be together again, I really hope for the day to come. Clueless about when…. but we hope.”

11. Any plans for christmas?
Jae Joong: “With no girlfriends…. I guess we will be drinking soju together, the three of us.”

S: Ilkan Sports

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