..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Now, what we’d like to do most is to for Changmin to reveal his personality and thoughts, Catch!

Changmin in the ‘present’ and the ‘future’

We Love Changmin , Now & Forever.

Our Changmin, who uses his smile to captivate fans from all over the world,

In this RAY magazine photo shoot he became a stunning photographer, so in order to know the Changmin ‘now’ there are 50 interview questions which you’ll have to continue reading to find out!

Q1: What motto do you live by?

Sincerity towards others.

That was what I was taught since young by my parents. I lied to them many times when I was young and they got angry at me (laughs), so everything will always be better once I told them the truth.

Q2: When was it where you felt that you’ve truly grown up?

Whenever I start to have memories of the past.

The times where I went out with my primary school or high school classmates out for a chat, or when I see cartoons or toys. They made me remember my childhood days.

Q3: When do you feel like you’ve become a child again?

Whenever I’m with my parents.

I tend to become more willful when I’m around my dad and mum (laughs). I can’t really express how I feel whenever there are people I work with around, but I can whenever I’m with my parents.

Q4: Did you have any thoughts that you have to win others in anything before?

When I have something to fight for. And my burning passion shall bring me closer to it.

For example, my career, working out and dating. My passion for those things will continue on. But if it was something I have no interest in, I would not even care of I made a lose (laughs)

Q5: How were you like when you were young?

Definitely cuter than what I am now ( lol XD) skin’s like milk, really white~ I was really active and talkative too!

Q6: If you were able to time travel, what would you like to do?

Go back schooling, to learn something and date girls!

Now that I’ve come to think of it, studying has been the best part of my life (laughs) I’ve never really dated girls when I was in high school, so I regretted it now whenever my friends would talk about it amongst themselves.

Q7: The season(s) you like?

Autumn and winter.

Q8: What you look forward to most in winter?

Erm..probably the snow I guess.

Q9: The first thing you do when you wake up?

Exercise my facial muscles.

Slowly move my lips, the massage the insides of my mouth using the tongue. Because when I do it immediately after waking up it can lessen the swelling of my face when I sing afterwards.

Q10: The secret to having such a great body shape?

To be honest, I don’t have the kind of body that would grow fat easily (lol Changmin :P )

I haven’t really noticed it before..it just comes naturally~ I’m so sorry~ (laughs) Nowadays I would exercise in the gym for about 4 to 5 times a week.

Q11: From your face till your body, which art of you do you like the most?

My eyes.

Been praised a lot by others for it, and I myself think so too. My eyes are neither too big nor small, making it look rather photogenic.

Q12: Do you feel like you’ve a lot of fashion sense?

Not really, but I feel that I have my own style in the taste of clothes.

Usually I’d just wear jeans, but since its winter now, I would prefer to wear long coats or knitted clothing. I like wearing those.

Q13: Do you read magazines?

I read it often.

I would buy the clothes which the fashion magazines recommend, and sometimes read women fashion magazines too. I’d also read novels once in a while, but I’ve only read ‘One Piece’ for comics.

Q14: What is your style of music?

Listening to meaningful songs during winter time.

Q15: Who is your favourite musician?

Stevie Wonder.

I watched his Korean concert before, and I actually cried because it was so amazing ( fanboy min 8D )

Q16: What is your favourite food?

Ironically, I don’t have a favourite food.But especially pizza and pasta, cause I love to eat Italian food. I don’t really like dried fish though.

Q17: Recommended type of food/beverage for the readers?


I can drink up to 4 litres of water a day, especially when I’m running a fever. Not only can it quicken metabolism rate, it’s better than trying so hard to lose weight.

Q18: What is your favourite number?

It has always been ‘2’.

Although that number is quite lame, but I feel that ‘1’ is a boring number. Wouldn’t 1 become 2 if it just worked a little harder?

Q19: The book(s) you like to read?

Recently I’ve been reading <>

Although I read it at a rather slow pace, I gradually grew addicted to the story because it really entrances readers. Actually there are many readers of this book in korea too! I’ve also read recently.

Q20: What makes you feel truly alive these few days?

To be able to dance and learn new songs!

Though sometimes I’d feel as though I’ve reached my limits. But by then I would always regretted to have felt this way.

Q21: What do you do when you’re given a break?

I would be resting at home.

Either watch some dramas or play my DVDs, listening to music. I like the serenity, because I’d feel frustrated whenever there’s many people around and they chatter a lot.

Q22: Where do you go on the weekends?

Go drinking with friends, or eat out.

Q23: What kind of activity would you like to challenge in the future?

Bungee jumping.

I haven’t tried it before, but it should feel really peaceful to be that high up the air. In Korea there isn’t many places that offer this, so I’d like very much to try this at least once!

Q24: What type of actions (by a girl) will cause your heart to flutter?

When she’s cooking and letting the guy taste her cooking!

When she’s telling me to ‘give it a try’ , something like that(laughs). I’m the type that likes to eat food, so I’d definitely go for a girl who can cook miso soup for me~

Q25: Which is your ideal type of girl?

Because I’m not a very cute person, I think I would be attracted by a girl who is cute (laughs) A more conservative, gentle type of girl would be best.

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