..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Thursday, December 2, 2010

junsu tweet's today~

if only we walk on top of the fallen leaves
and decide to be together...
You who swallowed my heart whole...
you promised me forever...
in our dream that was extraordinarily beautiful...
this is just a test that we're facing now...
isn't it...?
If the deep darkness goes,
I will hurriedly come to find the dawn...
even though this is just a fallen leaf...
let's start again.."

"Though destiny made us farther apart..
our memories that are dissolved in there are deep a
t the level that they can't be changed w/ anything.
The anxiety at that time...
Let's treasure them forever...
Though we can't distinguish now from the reality...
Because i will find you...

~its sad~they really hurt~
although this maybe take from the lyric
but suddenly he tweet this
i think he wanna convey his true feelings here
not 3 of them hurt
all 5 of them are truly hurt
more than us which just see them from far away
i just want to see they happy
& continue to achieve their dreams without any obstacle
i hope they will be more stronger each day
& i will always be there for 5 of them
to keep them stronger



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