..not 3, 2.. but 5~!!..

kimi wo suki natte shimattan daro
u have put a spell 'JUMON' on me..n now.. i'll always STAND BY U..no matter what happen
lets get TOGETHER again..lets make FOREVER LOVE..TONIGHT..n HUG together..WITH ALL MY HEART

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


[LIST] Yunjae Update Nov 2010 part 2

November 28th, 2010 § 70 Comments

Hi all ^^

So aft my blog got blocked by unknown reason (its written someone reported it for violence bt I dunno ^^), finally its back kekekekekek

Just realize…lotta of u who used to be silent reader poped out in my twitter asking why u all cant access my blog (why u all sounded just now n nt when I posted? *pout)

Its ok for me, if u wanna be silent…BT…a simple “thx” will be precious for me ^^

Cutting d crap, lets get to d point ^^

1. … (I dun wanna talk, see it urself ^^)

Yep its same tee too ^^

shared by: moliv

2. I dunno whether its true or not, jae use BB yunho got frm fans on Goong


It looked like edited for me, d shine, d light, d shape, n d pixel.

But then mtvk confirm it HERE n SYC HERE

Hmm…its ok if I made a mistake, im a human aft all…bt why MTVK put lots effort on it? I mean they can let go wht we imagined, rite? They even told us about jae smiled in almost every “yunjae” n “yunho” chant…

Oh well believe wht u wanna believe…I do believe my assumption, it proved tht yunjae use d same type of phone…

Bt then I read somewhere, yunho loved BB black…

Dunno though…


PS: ths one spreaded faster thn I though, even get into kokayz@LJ ^^

PSS: I bet they had their yunjae’ love room in BBM ^^ (n tvxq room maybe?)

3. Yunjae was missing back then when they had photoshoot in grand canyon in LV, dunno whether its true or nt, I got it frm YJE ^^

5. A reader kindheartly share her fren’ fanacc

My fren (A) went to korea to visit jae’ crebau n they had chance to talk to jae’ 7th sister (A Yong [AY] onnie), she mentioned some points

a. AY was listenin to cheekmate (jap ver), A was happy tht jae’ fam support yunho

b. A: onnie, I wanna give this jackets to jae oppa *gve one jacket*

AY: oh ok… *smile*

A: …n another one for yunho…

AY: … *pause* *whisper* h%$^&^*& (trans: how?)

A: …

AY: oh I knw, I’ll gve both to jae then they can choose which one they prefer *smile*


AY: *shock*

Well…I smile while readin it ^^

c. A: onnie, in TVXQ, which one u like most?

AY: umm…JJ…

A: how about yunho?

AY: no! cz he steals JJ frm us!

A: *shock*

AY: …eh…just kidding! I like yunho most cz he’ so handsome, tall, small n sharp face, he’ also sexy! JJ also like him!

A: *speechless* *die in heaven*

Talkin bot being so obvious…

PS: happen in oct 10th 2010 ^^

Shared from: a fren ^^

6. Mchan shared a fanacc she read frm a concert in Thailand (forget what concert), a fans (A) asked a bodyguard (B)

A: err…sir…can I ask u somethg?

B: wht?

A: hows their practice?

B: TVXQ? Humm…they r great…d greatest dancer was Junsu, Yoochun n Changmin also cool, Yunho danced awesomely, also d busiest managing members, Jaejoong was d clumsiest, hit his right n left…his moves also wrong almost all time…

A: *smile* so…wht did yunho n jaejoong do when its reherseal?

B: …

A: …

B: …hmm…r u sure u like them? *point on yj’ pic* these two r always stick tgt, kinda weird for me…ooh oops sorry, I dun want u to feel dissapointed toward these two

A: …aaah… *smile* thx… *left*

PS: tht bodyguard was rented in thailand, he barely knw any of yunjaeness kekekeke

7. Another fanacc mchan told me

One upon a time *smack* arasso! *pout* One day when TVXQ ate in a restaurant w their manager. Yunho sat opposited jae while his manager was beside him.

(I was suck at explainin in paragraph, so I’ll just mke it as a dialogue ^^)

Yun: *put chopstick down*

Manager (M): where r u goin?

Yun: toilet…

M: oh I cme w u… *stand up* *see yunho’ messy scarf* *fix d scarf*

Yun & M: *went to toilet*

Jae: *JAElous* *stand up* *sit on manager’ seat*

Yun & M: *back*

M: hey jae, thts my seat, get back to ur own seat

Jae: … *ignore* *fix yunho’ scarf whch their manager fixed back then*

M: *sigh* *give up* *sit in jae’ seat*

Jaevil ish a walking jealous machine!!!

8. Remember yunho in jewelry award?

Yep handsome ^^

Too handsome tht I need someone to remind me about somethg weird in his accecories

Still dun get it?

Get it now? Kekeke thx to pooh ^^ for reminding me ths

PS: chubee ish an awesome personal photographer for jung yunho, I swear! I love her for making jung yunho looks fabulous in every pics she took ^^



Credit: as tagged (chero_shera@twitter for hints & a fren for d pics)

9. U got d key of my heart, baby…

Source: yesbabyohyea@tumblr

10. I wonder why they always stick tgt in public place? *smack* ONNIE!!!!!


Ok d last one was pretty funny…min suits as crowd control well…n onnie, whts my role? D bride? Kekeke

Jae: u wish!

Shared: mchan (thx dear for sending me ur coll ^^)

11. Yunjae earring ish loved ^^ I want it!!! N cartier ring ^^

Shared: mchan

12. He just loves using his hubby’ ^^

Cre: yunjaelovebar

13. Remember ths one?

Y+U yunho uknow

H+J hero jaejoong

Y+H yunho hero

U+J uknow jaejoong

Y+J yunho jaejoong

H+U hero uknow

d miracle of our keyboard tht i posted HERE

I found many blogs n LJ use it w/o cre…its my fuckin laptop’ keyboard n ppl easily copy while claimed its them?!

Whoooooossssssaaaaaaaahhhhhh….ok, my fault for nt put cre in d pic bt heck! I dunno if my blog will be a big hit n ppl will copy its content

At least put proper cre willya?


Yunjae destinied tgt, then ths one too

See how it shaped? Yep its CASSIOPEIA!!!

source: yunjaeshipper@wp


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